

“I was slowly killing myself with a case of beer a day… four packs of cigarettes a day along with other drugs.”

Hi, I’m Dan. My story begins as I was slowly killing myself with a case of beer a day. I also smoked four packs of cigarettes a day along with other drugs. I found myself not able to work or function for two weeks. I thought I was sick, or even dying. I was beginning to think that there was no hope, no means to any end. I was on the bottom.

I called a doctor and made an appointment. I was on my way to that appointment when something told me to stop by my old buddy Jim’s house. I knew that he had found the Lord God, and got saved.

I had not talked to Jim in a year and a half. We talked and he convinced me that I needed to talk to Bob Bassler at the New Life Deliverance Center.

Of course I was skeptical. Jim reviewed Scriptures with me and we talked until it was time for my appointment with Bob. When I arrived at New Life Deliverance Center, I shared my story and that is when Bob prayed for me and Jesus delivered me from my self destruction and satan’s hold on my life was broken.

I felt everything change in 15 minutes of prayer. It doesn’t take long for God to work! I felt brand new in spirit, soul, and body.

I thank our Heavenly Father for leading me to Jesus through New Life Deliverance Center. I pray that all who are in the same shape that I was will also find their answers in Jesus, because He is the one who sets us free.

Thank you Jesus. All the honor and glory goes to God in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I faithfully attend the Friday night recovery meetings and bring people with me so that they too can be set free.

Dan High