

“I was disturbed by voices in my head. The thoughts were so destructive that I contemplated suicide”

I was trying to get my life back together with Jesus, but the challenging bouts with depression, uncontrollable thoughts and the aggressive voices just created more and more confusion in my life.

I didn’t know how to take authority over all these attacks so they continued and expanded beyond what I could control or my capacity to tolerate. The voices were unbearable and I contemplated suicide.

The night that I prepared a rope to hang myself, my mother pleaded with me and tried to stop me from taking my life. I agreed to call New Life Deliverance Center and I talked to Bob.

The words of life that Bob spoke to me were from God. He said, “Thou shalt not kill, if you kill yourself, you don’t die, you still live but in hell. We are eternal beings so we can’t kill ourselves.

I listened and accepted God’s truth and made Jesus Lord of my life. I received God’s love for me and now I know how truly great his love is for me.

I am very thankful that I am free from spirits harassing me. I have the authority over them in the Name of Jesus, and because of the training I have received and New Life Deliverance Center, I know how to exercise that authority.

Kenny Herron